Sunday, December 30, 2012

Come on in twenty thirteen...

As the new year begins, 2013 will be a year of new beginnings in many ways.  We will welcome our daughter to the world in the next three months, a moment that will knowingly change our lives forever.  I have so many hopes for myself as a mother, for us as new parents and for our little girl to come.

I hope to enjoy the moments before THE moment of her birth.  To embrace the ups and downs of the last trimester.  To enjoy the quiet and simplicity of life before we begin growing our family.  These moments are rare and life will be changed forever sooner than later.

I hope to learn as I go.  In no way do I have this whole parenting thing figured out, nor do I expect to!  I hope to be prepared, knowledgeable  and educated; without expecting to make perfect steps along the way.  I am learning to accept that it is okay to make mistakes and learn as we go.  I hope our daughter will learn this lesson from her parents as we mess up, find grace, and move forward in life.

I hope to find the balance between work and family.  Moving from pouring my identity into my occupation toward balancing both my calling, passion, and love.  I hope to balance my time and use each moment wisely during the work day and make my time at home priority.  & if it doesn't work out perfectly, to be okay with that as well.

I hope to embrace this gift.  Being a mother is a gift and I hope to enjoy each moment, including the pregnancy weeks to come.  I hope even in the wee hours of 2 am screaming baby, tired mom, no sleep coma, I hope to appreciate the moment and the opportunity to be a mother and to have that screaming baby in the middle of the night.

What a year it will be!! Come on in twenty thirteen...