Wednesday, April 24, 2013

a few of my favorite things... new mom edition!

I cannot believe I am a mom of a one month old!  Sydney K is the joy of my life and I'm slowly trying to figure this mom thing out.  I've found some products & resources that make my life a little easier these days.  These are those things I'm either glad someone told me ahead of time or I wish I had known before little one came!  Hoping you're either nodding in agreement or you can have a heads up as a future mommy yourself. :)

#1. Find a friend. Or 2 or 10.  The biggest support you will find are other new moms.  Whether they are in the same city or just a phone call away, find other women who engage in honest, real conversation or emails! This has made all the difference for me in finding sanity during the first month of mommyhood.  (Shoutout to !!)

#2. Get a husband ... well the married kind is pretty awesome too :)... but I mean the pillow kind like this one. My brilliant parents bought this one for me my first week home and it was a life saver.

#3. Lucie's List. Not only is this blogger hilarious, my husband and I literally laugh out loud when I read her stuff, but she is accurate and smart!  When you subscribe to her blog, you receive emails during pregnancy, postpartum and during mommyhood.  She's awesome and makes my inbox more entertaining.

#4. Amazon Mom. Thank you Ms. Parvin for getting me on this bandwagon!  First, you want the diaper and wipes discounts.  You also want the free shipping.  I didn't realize how much I would shop online, but you do.  My trips to Publix and Target are few and far between... and are meticulously planned, and usually with a friend.  Amazon is your new best friend.

#5. This blanket: We received many beautiful blankets from friends and family, but this one is our favorite! (Thanks Melissa!!) We call it the Magic Blanket. Not only is it soft and warm, but Sydney loves it to soothe to sleep when nothing else works.  Find your magic blanket, whatever works use it!

#6. Medela Microwave steam bags- Thanks Gavin! This saves time and energy for steam cleaning bottles, pump equipment, etc.  Ah-mazing.

#7. Dr. Brown's Bottle Warmer- Whether you're warming formula or breast milk bottles.  This is a life saver!

#8. Ipad- If you don't have an Ipad or Kindle or other type of tablet, get one.  I didn't realize how limited I would be during nursing.  I spend many hours reading or watching something on the ipad.  (Turning pages or a remote is tricky!)

#9. Bath tub thermometer-  This one beeps if the water is too warm or too cold- brilliant!

#10. A bouncer or swing or rock 'n play, or all of the above!  We started with a bouncer, which we use for day naps without the bouncing.  Anything that lets you put him/her down during the day in the room with you. We're still getting used to the swing, only about 20 min a day for now.

Those are my top 10! Other moms (new and veteran!), what else would you recommend?  What do you wish someone told you to get or think of beforehand?