Friday, August 30, 2013

The Joy Dare

I once read a book, (& reread the book) The 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry.  Read the book if you haven't... it will revolutionize your outlook on life.  It is based on Philippians 4:8 and the idea that fixating on things that are lovely and true and joy-filled will actually turn your life around.

It's hard... focusing on truth and love and joy.  It's hard to find the good in the bad, the hope in the seemingly hopeless.  BUT, perhaps these are the secrets to those astonishingly happy people.  Just maybe the key to being joyful is choosing joy... time after time.

the 4:8 principle,
So here is my personal joy dare.  Join me, if you will?

1- Discover daily Joy: In every part of my day, find the best part and cling to it.  People, nature, places, smiles, laughter.

2- Smile through the frustration, the disappointment.  Amazing what smiles can do to our emotions.

3- Make someone else smile.  Compliment.  Mean it. Say Thank you.  Acknowledge.  Accept.  Understand.

4- Encourage.  Find genuine encouragement through notes, gestures of kindness, hugs, pats on the back.

5- Find my favorite song and sing it/listen to it every day for a week.  Right now, it's Brave by Sara Bareilles.  It makes me happy.

6- Wear bright colors.  It works.

7- Ask someone important to you: "What can I do for you to make your day better/easier?"

8- Cuddle with someone (babies, dogs, husbands are good for this)

9- Go outside.  If it's a beautiful day, get out there! Sit, walk, run, jog.  Vitamin D does a body good.

10- Choose joy again and again and again.  It is a choice.  Don't waste this precious, beautiful life without it.