Saturday, February 27, 2010

National Board Nos and Puppy Woes

Bogey is a big 6 months and is now in the eat everything in sight stage. Her toys of choice? all wood, furtniture, socks, paper, anything!! She tries to nibble on our hands and feet, more so than when she was younger. We are getting frustrated and trying to be good dog owners to correct her behavior. I looked up some trouble shooting for her problems, here's what I found:

1. Limit her freedom with crate training- check, been crate training
since the day she came home.

2. Show her what to chew by giving her toys that are only hers- plenty of toys, check.

3. Positive reinforcement by praising puppy when she grabs her own toys- all the time, yes.

4. Negative reinforcement by saying loud noises when she starts chewing things that are not hers- been there, done that. We tried the "No!" "Ehh!" "uh huh!" even the "Schhh!" from Dog Whisperer...

Why, thank you Aboutdogs. com, you were no help at all! Here is my favorite quote from this article: "There's no cure for the teething stage, and it can last from age five months to over one year (or longer) yikes!!, but you can minimize the damage done. Be vigilant, remember my favorite mantra "This too, shall pass" , and start collecting chew toys."

Seriously, I feel like we've tried every trick in the book. I know she is a puppy and they go through stages, but this one is literally eating us out of house and home! Suggestions are welcome, we're getting desperate!

Bogey actually picked up a rough draft of one of my National Board entries this morning and carried it around the living room, like haha I have all your hard work in my mouth! Ah, Bogey you can have it, I'm tired of looking at it myself! Of course, I took it from her and continued to edit away...

If you are working on National Boards, you feel my pain. If you know a teacher who is working on their boards, a few words of advice:

- No, it is not "just a paper." It is 4 papers, all at least 15 pages in length with very specific requirements.

- What's so stressful about it? As teachers, we give 100% to our students and our jobs every day. Add, national boards to the mix, and now you have another investment which requires 100% of your effort and time, see the problem? I do not have 200%!

- We are given about 10 pages of questions and assessment pieces for each entry that needs to be specifically addressed in a certain way in these series of writing entries.

- Half the battle is figuring out what in the world they are asking to begin with!

- The written entries are due the last day of March... which frees you up slightly for the rest of the year, but thennnn...

- Then comes the test... again, 6 entries of a written exam about very specific areas of teaching... Let's just say I'm saving the test studying for after my written entries are done. ughhhh.

I'm trying to stay positive and keep working. This is almost the end and I cannot wait to have my life back. I'm sure my husband can't wait to his wife back too! Friends of mine, for the next month, please be nice to me. Even if I'm not nice back. :) For now, I'll just keep this in mind: "This too, shall pass"... thanks for the advice.


  1. Oh no! I hope she stops chewing soon. I have definitely heard that some labs are chewers. She is precious though. :)
