Friday, February 22, 2013

It's okay...

35 weeks pregnant comes with the wonderful combination of change, nerves, and excitement.  I've learned to forgive myself and allow grace in ways I never knew before pregnancy.

A few okays for other pregnant moms-to-be...

It's okay to gain weight, (especially after week 30!) ... it is for a reason- you're participating in God's greatest miracle.

It's okay you can't see your feet... they're swollen anyway.

It's okay to sleep and sleep a lot... knowing this is the last good night's sleep we'll ever have.

It's okay to eat ice cream... maybe just not every night :)

It's okay to sit down... it does not make you weak, people understand.

It's okay to not be okay... some days are not easy and are emotional, and it's okay to cry about it.

It's okay to say no and do less... it helps prepare for parenthood to come.  It won't be the last no.

It's okay to ask for help... when people offer or volunteer, allow them to help.  It is not a sign of vulnerability, it is a sign of awareness and strength.

It's okay to want to wish away the weeks... but don't.  A good friend told me "Pregnancy is nine months for a reason."  Your little one is growing and developing and so are you.

It's okay to plan, prepare, read, decorate... but don't expect it go just so.  I am more okay with not having a plan than ever before in my life.  Learn how to be prepared but relinquish control at the same time.


  1. It's ok to eat ice cream EVERY night! Heck I was eating ice cream when my water broke :)

    1. True! :) my milkshake cravings have kicked in again just talking about ice cream!

  2. It's okay to live by faith- God loves you and Sam and Sydney well enough to "work all things together for good"
