Saturday, March 16, 2013


There are very vivid, particular moments in life when we are forced to wait. Wait for Fridays, wait on traffic, wait for people, waiting rooms...

The most memorable moments I've waited are those big events.  The ones you plan and anticipate for months or even years, and most of them usually pass in just that- moments.

Graduation, graduation again, and oh yeah graduation again. What can I say, I'm a lifelong learner?
Get the cap and gown, finish the course requirements, celebrate, pomp & circumstance. Done in a few hours or a long weekend.

Falling in love.  I may have tripped a few times to wait on this one.  This love did not come and go, he's a forever and was worth every second of the wait.

The wedding.  After love, comes marriage.  I remember the summer of 09 and counting down every single day to the big day.  Planning every detail, deadlines, deposits, schedules, out of town guests, the dress.  Everything comes and then it's over in a day's time.  The wedding itself slips by, but it was only the beginning of our incredible journey of marriage.

Sydney's Birthday.  And now we're waiting again.  Yes, Sydney's birthday will be one day, one moment, one memory... but in that moment, our family becomes permanent.  This is the wait that changes everything.  I try to soak in moments of silence or boredom- knowing I will not experience those two words again for a very long time.  I try to stay busy and keep my mind occupied, yet find myself very distracted by the idea that we will meet our daughter in a matter of weeks or days.  It's a strange feeling- anticipating the drastic changes that are on the horizon.  I don't want time to speed up or slow down.  I just want to wait for the moment when everything changes and then let it change.

psalm sixty two:five,six

let all that I am wait quietly before God,
  for my hope is in him.
he alone is my rock and my salvation,
  my fortress where I will not be shaken.

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you! Waiting is also a time where the Lord can be teaching you something, so I love how you said you didn't want to speed it up or slow it down. Take the time God gives you before and after to learn what he has for you in that moment. Praying for your family of 3!
    love, Abby Hoskins
